Dr. ir. Anna J. Wieczorek, SUM PhD co-supervisor for Brett Petzer‘s dissertation project Urban Cycling as Connecting Mobility Service, is Assistant Professor in Transition and Sustainability Division with the Technology, Innovation and Society Group at Eindhoven University of Technology. She coordinated until 201 an international program on Industrial Transformation, in which she contributed in translating the novel, western-based insights about systemic change to other socio-economic and geographical conditions. Her empirical work focused on Asia and the two most unsustainable systems: urban mobility and energy. She has studied European renewable energy from the innovation system perspective publishing numerous articles on urban experimentation, transnational linkages, Asian development pathways, systemic innovation policy, and the spatial aspects of transitions. Her current interests focus on unpacking a key issue in triggering systemic shifts: the process of upscaling of experiments. She studies this process in the context of smart mobility and local community-driven energy initiatives, bringing together transition studies with sustainability-oriented business models. Her work is based on and involves many non-academic collaborations.