Frank Edward

Dr. Frank Edward is a lecturer in history of technology and urbanisation at University of Dar es Salaam. His current research interest revolves around histories of transport, urban infrastructure and Global South urbanism. From 2018 to September 2023, Edward worked as an assistant editor for Tanzania Zamani journal. From March 2024, he was appointed as the managing editor of the new journal, Zamani: A Journal of African Historical Studies. He is also a member of the Society for the History of Technology (SHOT). Edward has also published in several journals including Technology and Culture, African Studies Review, Medical History, History of Science and Technology, and Tanzania Zamani.

Some of his recent publications are “Planned vulnerabilities: Street Flooding and Drainage Infrastructure in Colonial Dar es Salaam”, HoST 16 (1) (June 2022); and Circulation and appropriation of urban technologies: Drainage and Traffic Infrastructures in Dar es Salaam, 1913-1999 (Darmstadt 2023).

You can find a list of publications on Google Scholar by clicking here.